Every dollar raised makes a difference in the lives of thousands of Special Olympics Wisconsin Athletes.

Here are 4 quick and easy ways to fundraise to your heart’s content. Plus, as donations rise, so do the cool prizes.

1. Polar Bear Icons

Usually polar bears are dangerous and we wouldn’t advise unleashing them in the masses, but ours are a little more colorful and one-dimensional–and also an easy way to fundraise! You can ask local businesses to sell them for just one buck, and all money counts toward your personal fundraising goal. The bears are free for our adventurers and you can request them here!

2. Donation Form

Keep track of your donations by downloading the 2024 Pledge Form and then take it everywhere you go! It will be your new best friend. And is also a great tool for you to use to keep track of the donations you gather in-person.

3. Raise Money Online

You’re doing something amazing and you should tell everyone you know–and get them to sponsor or support you! Let people know they can donate to you online by searching for your name starting here. You can also send out e-mails asking for donations through your polar plunge registration account.

4. Get the Word Out

Also super easy? Sharing it over your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn pages. You can also like or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and share or re-tweet it directly from our accounts.


Matching Gifts

Ask your employer if they do matching gifts to match your donations! Download the employer matching gift form here.

For additional questions please reach out to plunge@specialolympicswisconsin.org.


Participant tools and tips

How to Raise $150 in 7 Days!

How to raise $500 in 10 Days!

Corporate Fundraising Toolkit

Please feel free to add this graphic to your email signatures!  (Add your Fundraising Page URL as a Hyperlink to the graphic.)







Social Media Images – Use these to help with your personal fundraising efforts!



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